
Showing posts from September, 2007

Inner Resources

Recently I began a course designed to deepen my spiritual practice and assist me in taking all of the spiritual truths that I know and actualize them. In other words, I'm learning about "walking the talk!". There are so many things that we know intellectually about God, Spirit, the Universe or however we refer to our higher power. Yet, once we realize these truths, how active are we in actualizing these truths---or "walking the talk?" As I sat down to do my homework, this question was in the back of my mind. My task was to write down a list of the resources that are available to me. While I started out listing material resources, I quickly moved on to people. I saw how there are many people in my life who model success and abundance for me. Finally, I started to recognize my personality traits, strengths, and talents as resources as well. My sense of humor is a resource for me when faced with unexpected circumstances. My creativity is a resource for me when I am...

After Earthquakes, Hope for Indonesia

A few days before earthquakes rocked Indonesia last week, an Indonesian luminary rocked the U.S. Anand Krishna, founder of two ashrams in Indonesia, shared his message of inter-faith tolerance at Soul Centered Metaphysical Book Store in Ojai , CA. Krishna, as he prefers to be called, has been sharing his message in his native Indonesia since his miraculous recovery from leukemia in the early 90's. Anand Krishna What makes Krishna an amazing messenger is that he has been promoting interfaith tolerance in a country that is eighty percent Muslim. In certain areas of Indonesia, citizens are issued identification cards which list their religious affiliation. During actions known as "sweeps", citizens can be subject to death, if found in an area inhabited by the other religion, depending on whether those in charge of the sweeps are Muslim or Christian. These two religious factions take turns conducting the sweeps. Currently, Krishna and his colleagues are working to pass legi...

Meet Chef Lisa: She Can Bring Home The Bacon And Fry It Up In A Pan

For more cool videos, check out 3 Brothers And A Sister

The Blogging Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With Me Being On The Back Of A Harley

My First And Probably Only Motorcycle Diary As the wind whipped water from my eyes and snot ran from my nose, I wondered if at forty I was too old for this impromptu motorcycle adventure. I hadn't been on the back of a motorcycle since I was nine years old, but when Joe, my ex-boyfriend from college, invited me out for coffee I decided to do something different. As I held on for dear life praying that he wouldn't go too fast and that my ancestors were protecting me, I wondered if I'd waited too long to go through a rebellious phase. What he didn't mention was that we'd be sharing time with a few friends. When we arrived at Starbucks, the first thing I noticed was the DJ booth set up in front, orange extension cord snaking through the front door. As the female DJ spun hip hop tunes bikers steadily roared into the strip mall parking lot, parked with their club members, and stood in line to order venti iced cinnamon dolce lates with extra carmel. Many wore jackets rep...

Welcome To My World